Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid then you take in, and the body doesn’t have enough to replace fluid to carry out its normal functions. If you don’t replace lost fluid especially water and electrolytes, you will be dehydrated. The big question is; are you drinking enough water? How would you know that your body needs more fluid?
However, hydration is the reverse of dehydration. It refers to the availability of fluid in the tissues and cells for body function. This can be optimally achieved when one takes enough liquid that can replenish the lost substance.
One loses water due to hot weather, vigorous exercise, diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, fever and other metabolic diseases or disorders. During hot weather or intense exercise, the body’s metabolism increases, which sometimes lead to dehydration. 
It can be mild, moderate or severe dehydration. Also, mild to moderate dehydration can be reversed by drinking more fluid but when it becomes severe, an immediate medical treatment is needed.
What are the signs/symptoms?
For mild to moderate dehydration, the likely signs and symptoms are;
Decreased urine output
Few or no tears when crying
Dry skin
Sleepiness, or inactivity especially in children
Dizziness, fatigue
Dry, sticky mouth
Dry cough
Heat intolerance
When it’s severe, one can notice;
Extreme thirst
Chapped lips
Very dry mouth
Little or no urination, and urine tends to be dark yellow or amber
Sunken eyes
Rapid breathing/heartbeat
In certain severe conditions, it can result to delirium. Additionally, thirst is not a sign of your body’s need of water, especially in children and older adults. A good indicator is the colour of your urine – clear and light-coloured urine means you are well hydrated but dark yellow or amber colour signals dehydration. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately.
How can you avoid being dehydrated?
To prevent dehydration, always ensure you take about eight to ten cups of water daily - drink plenty of fluids especially after an endurance or vigorous exercise, hot weather, take beverages and other healthy drinks, consume foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables, wear thin, loose clothing- this allows good airflow, avoid dark clothing because it absorbs heat, shower regularly or damp your body with a wet towel and stay in an airy, cool and well-ventilated place. 
Why is it so important to stay hydrated?
Water is the best option to stay hydrated. Other drinks and foods can help you stay hydrated, however, it’s best to limit caffeinated drinks since it causes some people to urinate often, or feel jittery. Your body really needs water for survival. All activities in the body require water ranging from cellular respiration, digestion, circulation, homeostasis, metabolism, and so on. It contributes to a healthy weight-loss plan and maintains body temperature.


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